Wednesday, 16 February 2011

An American style baked lemon cheesecake

Having spent most of my childhood growing up in the states, I have always been most familiar with the simple, sweet, biscuit-based baked cheesecake. But the original New Yorker cheesecake can often tend to be a little sickly sweet. So this recipe is a combination of others, but produces a lighter desert because I don’t use butter (other than in the biscuit base) or cream in the mixture. Of course, you can always serve with a big dollop if you like!
For the biscuit base:
250g digestive biscuits
110g melted better
For the mixture:
850g soft cheese (550g ricotta, 300g full fat cream cheese)
175g caster sugar
4 lemon zests (when grating keep it fine) + Juice of 1 lemon
2 eggs plus 2 yolks
4 tbsp plain flour

1)      Crush together your digestive biscuits and melted butter and press into your tin and chill for at least 4 hours.
2)      Cream together the soft cheese. Then combine together the other ingredients and whisk together so creamy and light.
3)      Pour into your pre-prepared biscuit based tin and bake on Gas Mark 4/180 for 35-40 mins.
4)      I also wrapped the bottom of the tin in 2 layers of tinfoil and sunk into a 2-3mm bath of water to create steam during baking.
5)      Turn off the oven heat when you still have a little wobble in the mix.
6)      Best served after chilling overnight and topped with finely grated lemon zest and fresh raspberries. This picture shows the one I made for V day. It was topped with crème fraiche as suggested by bbcgoodfood’s luscious lemon baked cheesecake recipe. However, on sampling a few slices, my boyfriend advises he prefers it simply served, without all the crème fraiche topping – on this occasion I think I agree!

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