Sunday 16 January 2011

Lazy Sunday - Old English Muffins (c 1937)

A perfect sunday morning breakfast. Old english muffins, cooked on a griddle. This recipe is from Elizabeth David 'English Bread & Yeast Cookery' and is one of her favourites. I really loved making these. 

Strong plain flour 450g (or mix plain and strong)
15g yeast (I used about 12g as it was enough with slightly longer 'rest' time)
1 level tbspn salt
2 tbspn olive oil
butter to brush griddle/pan
3/4 pint milk + water mixed (just under)
rice flour for dusting (i just used semolina flour as it was all i had in the cupboard)

Elizabeth recommends you warm the flour in the oven on a very low heat. Then warm the butter, milk & water to blood heat.  Use a little of this wet mixture to cream your yeast. Once the flour is warmed, add the salt and then you can add your creamed yeast and rub together with your fingers. Then add the milk/butter/water mixture and mix with a wooden spoon. Leave the dough to rest for 30-45 mins. Divide the dough into 9 equal portions and mould into roll shapes. Rest on a tray covered with tea-towel for 35 mins. 
Heat your griddle with a scrapping of butter and cook each side for approx 8 mins or until golden brown (use a low heat). Fresh from the griddle they should be a good biscuit colour top and bottom with a white band around the edge.
To toast muffins
'Muffins should not be split and toasted. The correct way to serve them is to open them slightly at their joint all the way round, toast them back and front, tear them open and butter the insides liberally. Serve hot. 'Marian McNeil, The book of breakfasts, 1932

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